According to a study just published the best service of broadband connection is in Japan.
According to the latest report of Oxford Said Business School and the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Ovied and in collaboration with Cisco, the best broadband in the world are in Japan., Given Throughput ( Average successful transmissions on a channel to uplink and downlink) latency, bandwidth and many other parameters such as network saturation, uptime, lost packets. The country of the Rising Sun can be only the global leadership.
The index of quality of connection and connectivity in Japan is 98 points out of 100, with a penetration rate of broadband in the territory of 59.7%. In short, this is a must, the top of the pyramid of connectivity. The average download speed of 16,720 kbps, and upload average of 6827 kbps, about the time lag, it does not exceed the 85 ms.
Sweden, comes directly behind Japan (quality index 55, penetration 64%), Netherlands (Quality Index 49, penetration 79.5%), Latvia (Quality Index 45, penetration 35.4%).
The study was also based on 8 million tests conducted on the site analysis and calculation of bandwidth
Several industrialized countries, like Britain, France, Spain, Australia and Italy do not even among the top countries offering good connectivity to the Internet and their suppliers still offer speeds that are barely above the average of what is necessary to make good use of broadband applications such as basic consultation on the video sharing sites, video sharing and small and medium files.
Researchers are convinced that the quality of Internet connection in Japan is directly linked to the spread of fiber optic networks throughout the territory and also to the widespread culture of technology and also the rate of computer equipment. The Japanese population itself is extremely demanding and aware of the potential of this media.
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